Workout to kick stress
It’s absolutely amazing how when we are stressed out it can really take the best of our day. Stress causes people to loose extra sleep, eat unhealthy, and be extremely moody. We know this right! However, we don’t always take the steps necessary to prevent those side effects or better yet, work on the stress that causes these side effects.
So ask yourself, why am I so stressed out? What is happening in my life that is causing this stress? Whether your answer is family, career, or financially related, these simple questions will help you get to the route of the problem. Typically, people find it hard to get to the route of the problem, so their only solution is to seek a therapist. There is nothing wrong with sharing your feelings and emotions with a professional. Ultimately, the therapist is going to ask you what makes you happy and how we can do more of whatever it is to lessen the stress.
The biggest suggestion for easing your stress is to do physical exercise. Doing physical exercises can reduce your stress by 60%, and help with those negative side effects. Working out will help, jump start your metabolism, Detox your body and :
- Encourage lymph drainage
- Improve your digestion
- Relieve constipation
- Strengthen your cardiovascular system
- Increase blood flow
There is no extreme pressure to workout. All you have to do is simply move your body a little more then you normally do. Often people are so intimated by the word “workout” because they see all of these intense fitness solutions on dvd’s or online. It doesn’t have to be intense, but it has to be something. Here are a few techniques you can start with :
1.Jog, walk, bike, or dance three to five times a week for 30 minutes.
2. Walk every day for 15-20 minutes rather than wait until the weekend for a three-hour fitness marathon. Frequency is most important!
3.Find fun forms of working out like playing a sport with an local community league.
4. Distract yourself with audiobooks, podcasts, or music. Many people find it’s more fun to exercise while listening to something they enjoy.
5.Recruit an “exercise buddy.” It’s often easier to stick to your exercise routine when you have to stay committed to a friend, partner, or colleague.
6.Take your time. Most people require about four to eight weeks to feel sufficiently in shape so that exercise feels easier.
Apply at least one of the above routines to your weekly calendar and in no time you will be on track with your mind and body. You should feel a significant difference in your stress levels and kick those unfortunate side effects that play a role in stress.