What to wear for your ‘New Years’ celebration
The clock is ticking to figure out what your wearing for the big night. And it’s always a mission to figure out what you should be wearing for the New Year! Most people like to buy something new because subconsciously we think it’s bad luck if we don’t start the new year fresh. However it’s quite alright to wear things you have in the closet already. Try and pair your items in a unique way, that is if time permits you through your running around all day for party treats and such. Depending on where you are going to spend your ‘New Year’ and who your going to be surrounded by, will determine what you feel comfortable wearing. Any of these styles should fit any type of ‘New Years’ occasion.
1. Jeans and cute crop top could work for a more casual/cute look.
2. Leather leggings add a nice little jazzy look and always works with a printed or bold color sweater.
3. If you feel like being a little more lady like, then a nice simple maxi dress will do it.
4. For a bit more fun added to your look, perhaps a tulle skirt will suit you best.
5. Sequined skirts or dresses are the ultimate New Years fashion forward!