Walk it out like an Olympian
In recently watching one of the competitions during the Olympics, it was astonishing to see them walk it out. They have a competition for marathon walkers (speed walking), yes people were walking for that gold medal. Seeing this event during the Olympics made me have a new found respect for walkers. We all here that walking is good for you, but have you ever stopped to think how good. Not only can you win a gold medal but you can win by living a healthier lifestyle. If you have ever once doubted the significance of walking, you might want to reconsider. Something as simple as a swift walk around the block will leave you with a bountiful of health benefits. So intrigued by what I saw, I was inclined to find out more and share it with you.
The benefits of walking can lead to:
1. Maintaining a healthy weight– if you have already gotten to your desired weight, then consistent walking will help you keep it there
2. Prevent or manage – various health conditions, such as; heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
3. Strengthen your bones and muscles– you can gain some great toned up legs, calves and thighs, walking also help slim down your mid-section.
4. Improve your mood– believe it or not, walking can mean time to get in your daily meditation which means a better attitude.
5. Improve your balance and coordination
Recent studies have proven, the faster, farther and the more frequently you walk the greater the heath benefits. These are just couple of the health benefits you can look forward to when you go for your daily walk. As you start to plan your walking routine, don’t forget to have some important components in mind. Having the right walking shoe is important for the proper arch support. A shoe that is light with a flexible sole to cushion your feet is said to be perfect. Wear comfortable clothing, bright colored clothes if you decide to walk at night. Stay hydrated, even though walking is not a strenuous work out, your body still needs to replenish. Warm up and cool down are also important, as in any workout you want get your blood pumping and prepare you muscles. Cool down and stretching can be combined and should not be missed. Whether you plan on training to become an Olympic speed walker or just walking for health, this a great way for anybody to get and stay fit.
The Kimmy Nicole 🙂