Tricks to save on your data plan
It’s 2015 and clearly we are living in a digital world, which means we can not go without a data plan on our phones. True indeed, but some of the rates are ridiculous and going over 2GB a month is very possible when you are addicted to Youtube videos, Facebook, and every other site that keeps you busy on your commute to work or at your dentist appointment.
Most people on average use about 1 to 2 GB on their phone’s data plan monthly. But the truth of the matter is that sometimes we go over that number. And if your only paying for 1 or 2GB a month and you’ve gone over that, then your in trouble. Most phone companies will charge you $15 extra that month for going over on your plan, which is insane. Hey $15 could get you a new phone case or a charger.
So here is the deal! Don’t feel like you have to stop using your data plan or cut it off, because Lord only knows we can’t go without the internet for 5 minutes a day. Most of the time we don’t even mean to use this much in Gigs. The problem is that when we are bored we often just click on anything in our phone and forget to close it. Practice these simple tricks to save on your data plan monthly and you’ll be good to go.
1. Turn off all your app notifications unless it’s a life or death situation to find out who’s score is beating yours in Candy Crush.
2. Connect to your work wifi or a public place’s wifi as often as you can.
3. Close all apps immediately after using them.
4. Reset your phone data calculation every month at the beginning of your bill cycle so you can stay on top of how much your using.
5. Shut off all your apps until you need to use them. Leaving most apps that you don’t use open, is running up your data plan and you don’t even realize it.
6. Delete apps you don’t need.
7. Close your email until you need to use it.