Take your workouts to another level
When I met celebrity trainer, Adam Rosante of Cosmobody, I was extremely anxious to start the workout. I worked out with him previously on the cosmobody website and thought he was pretty intense.
I was just getting back into the swing of things. I started slowly jogging again, but not too much because of the winter weather. The only thing I was doing consistently was turning my computer on and working out with Adam and other trainers on cosmobody’s website. But when I say consistently, I mean, I just started about 2 weeks of the workout.
I knew Adam was intense and had lots of experience. I learned that he was also a certified cross fit trainer, which was definitely intimidating. However, I thought for some reason he would go easy on me. But you know that one workout that just really kicks your you know what?! Well, this workout was one of them. It’s been years I’ve been running in 5k’s and training for them prior. But when you get into interval training you take your workout to another level. And that’s exactly what Adam did for me!
I interviewed him first to find out exactly what he does in these workouts and how he eats. You can hear all those details here. After that it was game time! Adam told me to change, and once I came out of the locker room he had me warming up. He made me do repetitive kicks, jumps, squats, and more. The warm up felt like the workout, and I thought to myself this is going to be hard. He explained what the intervals would look like and had me practice a few.
We started off with squat presses and 10 pound weights. Let me just remind you, I only had been working out for 2 weeks using 5 pound dumbbells that I just purchased from target for $8.99. But Adam decided he was going to double it up on me. He then made me do burpees and jump over my weights. After that, he put me in plank position and made me curl the weights up from the floor to my stomach. This totally had my body out of wack.
The purpose of him showing me these workouts was to explain how my interval sets were going to look. I had to start off by doing each of those workouts 15 times, then 2 more sets, decreasing to 13 reps for the second round, and 11 reps for the third round. But in doing the practice round, we discovered that my forms weren’t right. So Adam made sure I was sitting in my heals while squatting, instead of leaning forward. He also made sure I was not doing burpees with only my fingers on the ground. Instead he made me put my full hand down to support my body weight. And lastly, he had to correct my plank form to make sure I was leaning forward in the proper position to pull the weights and actually feel it in my core.
Adam yelled, 3 2 1 and it was game on! Now this is the way to take your workout to the next level, I thought. OMG, what am I doing! I thought I was going to die! But Adam was yelling and cheering me on at the same time. At one point I needed to completely stop, because I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Adam allowed me to take a breather with the timer still going. He looked at me in my face and said “get your shit together.” I was pumped after that and was able to finish the workout. The workout was making me tired, but I realized my anxiety was making me exhausted. It was burning me out! I finished the workout in 10 minutes and 46 seconds and dropped to the ground, drowning myself with gulps of water. Adam said, “good job.” I was totally flustered. I tried the workout again 2 days later at home with 5 pound weights and finished in 5 minutes and 32 seconds.
Adam Rosante has been doing this for years and has truly made it his lifestyle. Encouraging others to take your workout to the next level in his ‘30 second body’ book. He shares how to feed your body right with simple meals designed to help you feel your best inside and out. Win the book for free if you sign up here.