Surviving long distant relationships
If you’ve ever experienced a long-distance romance, than you know it’s not the easiest to deal with. Most friends will criticize or ask questions about ‘how you do it?!’ But the fact of the matter is, that if your willing to do it and you love this person, than it’s doable. Riiiiight?! Most celebrities do it while their loved one is touring, so it can happen. Here are a few things to focus on for the relationships survival:
1. Let the haters hate and ignore what they have to say.
2. Focus on the time you will spend together and your arrangements.
3. Take turns flying, so one person is not spending more money then the other.
4. Think about the time that you both will finally arrange to live together and how it will happen.
5. Use technology to communicate and see one another.
6. Try not to freak out when you don’t hear from your lover.
7. Send each other special gifts and text messages 😉