Stomach cancer prevention


Actress Taraji P Henson had a stomach cancer scare that forced her to go vegan. Her Doctor warned her that if she continues with her particular lifestyle she may be a high risk candidate for getting stomach cancer.

As part of her healthy new life , Henson stopped drinking coffee and has cut down on alcohol. She also cooks healthy meals for herself and husband Kelvin Hayden, a gym owner and supporter of her new healthy lifestyle.

Stomach cancer usually can derive from other stomach infections. One of them is infection with a common bacteria, H. pylori, which causes ulcers. Inflammation in your gut called gastritis, a certain type of long-lasting anemia called pernicious anemia, and growths in your stomach called polyps also can make you more likely to get cancer.

You can take preventative measures to protect you and your family from the disease. This includes greater use of refrigeration for food storage rather than preserving foods by salting, pickling, and smoking. To help reduce your risk, avoid a diet that is high in smoked and pickled foods and salted meats and fish. A diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables can also lower stomach cancer risk.



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