A simple salmon recipe
It is ‘Man Cave’ Monday and we are down to the wire since it’s the last Monday of February. Lets’ start this week with some tasty wild Sesame Ginger salmon, rice, and Russian salad with a twist.
You’ll need the following:
1 serving of Wild salmon, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, half an onion, sour cream, favorite ginger dressing, and rice.
This recipe is a simple salmon recipe.For 1 serving, start by making your favorite rice. As your rice cooks, it’s time to start the salad:
chop 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, and some onion. Add all to a salad bowl.
Add a dollop of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of ginger dressing and mix.
Pour 1 tablespoon of your favorite sesame ginger dressing or marinade on each side of your serving of salmon.
Stir fry salmon for 3-4 minutes on each side. And the Salmon should flake when it is ready.
Add your rice, salad, and salmon to your plate and consume. All good for a simple salmon recipe.
Now you try it and let me know if you like it!?
B.B.V. baby. Bam, boom, and Voila!
By Angel Rodriguez Twitter @Imageangelpro