Quick and easy breakfast
Good morning all! Today’s delish breakfast is not only good for your heart but feeds the mind and saves you money.
I made 3 poached eggs with scallion sprinkled over the top, half an avocado, strawberries, and washed it all down with French pressed coffee.
How this all happened came together as I’m sitting on the train and wondering how could I have been running late this morning. Did that ever happen to you? So I do the normal thing and back track my steps and poof there it is. I went to grab breakfast and a coffee at my local store and the line took forever. So I say to myself tomorrow I’m either getting up early or even better, I’m saving some money in my pocketbook and curating my own amazing breakfast. That evening I rummage through the fridge to see what there is, so that I am prepared in the morning time.
I chopped up sole strawberries, cut open half of an avocado, and boiled water for my french press coffee.
We’ve done poached eggs before and we should remember how easy and healthy it was. Poached eggs require boiled water. You make these two ways: boil water and easily drop 1 or 2 eggs in at once while trying to keep them separated. Cook for 3-4 minutes. Or I used a soup ladle and cracked the egg inside the ladle and held the ladle in the boiling water so that the eggs stay rounded. Again cook 3-4 minutes. Once done place eggs onto sturdy paper towel or towel and tap dry any excess water and serve alongside your berries and avo. Bam, Boom. VOILA!