New plates with old flavors
Hi there! You must be getting hungry if you’re going through the Web trying to find some good eats. You know what, we all do this, whether it’s a food blog, Pinterest, IG, FB, or Reddit, we know we are bound to find something to fill our bellies. We are blessed to easily get ideas to help us decide. Sometimes we want to splurge and sometimes we want to go easy on our pocketbooks..
So after this great weekend I’ve decided to Fall into Autumn, uhum, pun intended, with several fresh seasonal veggies. I got the idea from this Healthy food spot in Brooklyn. Anyone could create this salad, but as I stated earlier, it’s OK to splurge, especially on the 1st Autumn ManCave Monday.
The Salad pictured above contains ingredients not normally mentioned at ManCave, so let’s figure this to be something new and appealing with a touch of old school flavors that is good for the heart and is guaranteed healthy. So check this: Grilled seasoned chicken, mixed greens, creamy avocado, cucumbers, carrots, red onions, and magic beets. No Dr. Dre and his music beats have nothing to do with this salad, although one could argue this fine meal will have your mouth dancing.
Seriously, I say magic because they are. Have you ever had freshly made beets? No, not beets from a can or pickled beets, yes they can be good, but let’s stick to food that taste great the way it was intended, especially vegetables.
Here’s how we do it:
Season the chicken the way you like it. An example, sure, slice the chicken breast thin, then add on herbs like oregano, cilantro, Mrs Dash anything, and grill until done.
Boil fresh beets.
Grab some mixed greens and make sure they are washed, unless you are into straight up eating soil. Not me.
Cut up some fresh raw carrots and red onions. You may also substitute red onions for sweet onions.
Fresh cucumbers sliced thin.
Are you feeling the crunch factor going on here.. because it’s going down whether you do or not, ha.?
Finally, add in your sliced creamy avocado and magic beets for that goodness that ties it all in together.
You may add in a balsamic dressing, but with all the flavors already in existence, there’s no need.
There you have it, Bam, Boom, and Voila!
Grilled chicken salad a la Fresh Beets!
Autumn is here and summer is tearfully saying good bye. Ok! Im tearfully saying good bye to summer with a serious grip.
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