Longer lasting beauty tips for your pockets …
Have you ever saw a girl with some really flawless makeup that looks like it’s perfectly painted on her face? You know, the kind of makeup that looks like it never comes off all day. Think about those girls for a second. Even celebs like Kim Kardashian, Penelope Cruz, Rihanna, JLO, or LALA, all have that perfect makeup look.
There’s no doubt that you wonder exactly how they get these looks to last all day long. Yeah we know, it’s going to take the most expensive make up to make that happen right? Well not quite, because it really just takes a few key tricks to keep that makeup on all day and looking fresh. These longer lasting beauty tips for your pockets are pretty simple:
#1 Do your own manicure at home with small tape strips.
#2 Remove your nail polish with a sponge folded in a cup. This will make you use less of your nail polish remover and make the bottle last longer.
#3 After applying lipstick put a piece of tissue over your lips and pat translucent powder over it to make it last longer.
#4 Put vaseline on your wrist before spraying perfume on, it will stay on all day!
#5 Apply powder to your eye lashes after your first application of mascara, then apply one more coat after!
#6 If you don’t have a curling iron then take style cream and twirl your hair around a pen…it actually works!