Interval training for full body results
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Orange Theory Fitness – Work It Out Wednesdays
The workout is a heart-rate monitored, high-intensity workout that’s designed to keep your heart rate in a target zone that spikes metabolism and increases energy, which they call “afterburn”. This helps members with interval training for full body results. The heart monitor is strapped to your skin under your clothes around the left side of your chest area. Their slogan is “Work for 1 hour, burn for 36”, where they have a group personal training workout backed by the science of Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). This portion I did is a series of interval training for the full body. Members burn an estimated 500 to 1,000 calories in 60 minutes. You can expect an estimated loss of 3-5 pounds per week by attending 3-5 sessions per week with proper nutritional planning if weight loss is your goal. You can expect to see an increase in power, speed and strength after your first two weeks of training if performance is your goal.
The beginning of the workout consisted of 7 rounds of 3 levels on the treadmill, which are your steady pace level, your push level and your all-out level where you’re sprinting as fast and as hard as you can. Your all-out levels usually last between 30-45 seconds, your push level around 45 seconds to a minute and a half, and your pace level from 1-2 minutes.
After the treadmill workout is where the video begins where you’re in constant motion, shredding fat while building lean muscle in their weights circuit. In the third round of the circuit, there are 3 rounds of 45 seconds a piece on the rower. The workout concludes with a group stretch and a final reading of the workout status board where you see how much you’ve burned and how you compare with the rest of the class.
Kat Turner