How to confront a friend about their weight
We all have a friend that is suffering from something. Whether it’s depression, obesity, or poverty, they all need someone to be there for them.
It’s not so easy when you have to let your friend know about their appearance or health. But the reality is that if you don’t tell them, they may suffer from diabetes or high cholesterol in there near future. Obesity factors into so many aspects of a person’s life. How will you keep up with your nieces, nephews, or children if you can barely walk to the store without loosing your breath?
These simple things are those moments you lose in life when you are suffering. The worst part of it is that your trying to tell a friend without them thinking you are insensitive about their feelings. Whether or not your friend knows you have good intentions by helping him or her with there weight problem, they are bound to feel hurt. So before you embarrass them or hurt their feelings, here’s how to confront a friend about their weight:
#1 Speak to them one on one
#2 State exactly what you feel and what you’ve seen
#3 Talk about what you would like your friend to do
#4 Be open about your vulnerabilities
#5 Educate yourself about your situation
#6 Don’t force labels
#7 Accept that your friend may be in denial
#8 Ask if they would like to you to go to an impatient program with them
#9 Find out your friends goals