Healthy juice with nutrients
Looking for a quick fix in the morning before work? It always helps to put something light on your stomach so that you don’t feel heavy to early in the day. You know what we mean right? It’s not great when you eat a heavy breakfast and have to try to get through the start of your day with cramps, gas, sleepiness, or sometimes even a headache.
Try and a whip up healthy juice with plenty of nutrients. You are probably thinking you don’t have time to cut up vegetables and fruit or what have you, before work. The solution is always meal prep. If you can cut your fruits and veggies the night before, the only thing you’ll need to do the day of, is toss them in the juicer.
This particular juice is made of carrots, celery, ginger, apple, cucumber, and kale. Carrots consists of 88% of water, which helps with a great deal of hydration. Of course, ginger is an amazing way to clear your digestive tract. Kale helps with insulin levels, while celery reduces inflammation. The apple gives a sweet flavor we need to cut through strong celery taste. Once you cut it all up the night before, you will be able to dump it all in your juicer for the right amount of nutrients before heading to work or start your day.
Try it your own way. Add an extra flavor or fruit to the recipe and tell us about it! Man Cave for your heart, health, and pocketbook. Bon appetit!