From a financial student to a coach
When I stepped on the basketball court for the first time as a kid it was an eye-opening experience for me. I’m sure it was the same for you when you started volleyball or cheerleading. I had no idea that you could only take a certain number of steps with the ball (Traveling). I had no idea that dribbling the ball with both hands at the same time was illegal (Double Dribble). I didn’t even know that crossing that white line at half court after you had already crossed it with the ball was something you couldn’t do (over and back). Needless to say I had to start learning the rules very quickly or I would not be playing much longer. As a matter of fact I had to sit out my first game at the park with my youth group in New York because of that. I wanted to play right away because I was so excited but in order to be a successful team player, I had to learn the rules.
How to accomplish focus?
I became coachable and listened to everything that my youth coaches were teaching me. It didn’t come right away or as quickly as I wanted but eventually it will. And that success all came by knowing what I should be doing when I was on the basketball court; by knowing the rules. One of my favorite players in professional basketball, Tim Duncan. I always said by knowing the basic rules of the game and perfecting them he was able to achieve great success in the NBA. Be coachable!
Years later, after becoming an adult, I was faced with a similar challenge. However, the game was completely different. The game I am referring to is the money game or as many would call it, “The game of Life”. I was searching for a way out of debt, bills, and ever mounting expenses. As a young adult we spend money like there is no tomorrow. On the court of life, I made many mistakes because I didn’t know the rules of how to handle money. Since I had never been taught the rules on how money works, I had my work cut out for me. Lucky for me I had the right resources and people in my life to help me. So once again I became coachable and I listened and learned from coaches/experts who knew more than I did about money and finance. So, just as we do in life, we make the same mistakes over and over again until we learn. I happened to do the same with my financial life when I faced financial difficulty for the first time. The only difference between now and then is that I learned so much that I felt that I had to share this knowledge with others. I realized that the financial knowledge I obtained, was so easy that everyone should be made aware of the information. This way they would not run into the same pitfalls that I did. It took a little studying, passing a couple of tests and getting some licenses/certificates. Now, I have turned myself from a financial student to a coach. And you can do the same!
I realized that not everyone has had easy access to what I did. This is the reason I have made it my mission to share it with everyone. I can share the knowledge and information that I have been given to keep my heart, health, and pocketbook aka wallet, in check!
Written by TK
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