Find your inner peace like Beyonce
Where is that “Special Place” to Find Your Inner Peace?
Do you have a certain place that you can go to when you need to clear your mind or find some motivation to keep you going through life? It’s like a safe haven for you that only you know what it means to you while it may mean something different for other people that visit, like a park. “Formation” singer Beyonce has recently came out with her very own fitness clothing line named “Ivy Park,” but what’s more interesting is where the inspiration came from. You see, just like us, she too has a special place that was the inspiration behind the making of her new clothing line. In a promotional video explaining the “Ivy Park” clothing line, Beyonce expresses what Parkwood Park in Houston, Texas meant to her growing up and how even as a adult she still goes to that park to find her inner peace. It’s very intriguing to know that even those who are on that celebratory level such as Beyonce, still have that special place they need to find your inner peace, motivation and inspiration.
If you’ve never considered a place, just think about your every day life, the places you visit daily, weekly or even monthly. Out of all the places you visit what brings you the most happiness, where can you go to get a clear peace of mind, to meditate. Finding this place is not only beneficial for your inner spirit but also for your health, physically and mentally. According to lifestyle expert Kevin Sinclair, finding your inner peace is very important and you can do so by simply meditating. “Meditation is a way to relax, vitalize you physically, emotionally and mentally and reconnect you spiritually,” said Sinclair. All of this ties back into to finding that safe haven for you to be able to experience this.
Just like Beyonce used the park as her motivation and inspiration, you too can use your “special place” to inspire and motivate you to create a change in your life that you’ve maybe wanted to do for a long time but just haven’t found that “push” to get you going. Remember everyone needs someone or something to motivate them even if its self motivation, something encourages you to self motivate. One place that can almost always guarantee a peaceful environment is a spa, who wouldn’t enjoy a nice Spa Wellness day! After reading this take a moment to think about it, where is your “special place?” Once you figure it out, start dedicating more time to that place and yourself to find the inner peace needed to live a healthier lifestyle.
The Kimmy Nicole 🙂