Exercises for at work
Unless you have a tall desk with a treadmill underneath it, you are probably not getting as much movement at work as you should. Have you ever heard of deskercise? Well, maybe you haven’t but now is the time to find out more about it. Often too many times we use the excuse that we are too busy to workout and go to the gym. In fact, “being busy” is the number one excuse people use to avoid the extra pressure to hit the fitness center. All your problems have been solved! Now you can exercise at work and have no more excuses my friend!
Deskercise starts with your mentality and a simple workout while your slaving over paperwork for your boss. First of all, you have to know that the mental stress you are enduring at work is definitely not going to help you want to hit the gym. It simply just isn’t healthy for you not to take a moment for yourself at work. So do it! Change your mentality and start moving at work.
Your probably wondering how you would actually get a hard core workout while your at work but that’s not how you want to think about it. Of course it’s not going to be a hardcore workout unless you have a gym at work. You will do stretching and taking the healthier route while you are at work. That’s why it’s much more of a mentality change.
Workouts at work
#1 Instead of taking the elevator, try the steps. If you work on the 25th floor, fine! Try and take the elevator up to the 23rd floor and walk the rest. No excuses!
#2 If you usually do lunch at your desk, let’s change that. Sitting at your desk for too long is like the new smoking. It’s so unhealthy. Grab your packed lunch and go for a walk to the park to eat. If the weather isn’t great then head to the break or conference room. Get that blood flowing.
#3 Standing at the copy machine can be such a waste of time if you are waiting on too many pages. Try standing on your toes for some calf raises. Tippy toes and down until your copies are ready. You should be able to get about 30 in!
#4 If you have been sitting at your desk for a while and you are beginning to get restless. Take a minute for some dips. All you have to do is sit at the edge of the chair with your arms and your side then drop off the seat for up and down dips. You’ll definitely be able to get 3 sets of 15 in by the time you wait on a few emails to come through.
#5 This one is pretty simple! While you are in the conference room with others it’s hard to utilize a good exercise in front of people. Because you don’t want to look like a nut in front co-worker, you will simply do belly pulls. You pull your belly in as far as you can to hit your rib cages then release. Doing about 30 of those will have you pretty tight but the end of the meeting.
Try these exercises at work and let us know what you think and how your mentality has changed. Keeping your mental and your body right at work is never a bad idea. And considering the fact that sitting is said to be the new smoking. You might want to get on top of these asap!