Eating with a gluten allergy


Good day everyone. I’m making this meal for all the gluten free food-heads out there. Sometimes you forget about how good life can be when it’s going well. Sometimes you see others deal with certain situations and realize that they are living a bit differently than others, but are doing it with no complaints. Eating with a gluten allergy isn’t that crazy once you get used to it. I especially relate to this because my son has a slight allergy to gluten,  therefore creating meals and experimenting has been an interesting time overall.

One of the coolest and easiest meals you can prepare is something that everyone already loves. PIZZA!

Grab some gluten free pizza dough. It’s sold either by the box or in the cold section already made. Pizza marinara sauce/gravy and mozzarella cheese. Of course, if you’d like toppings, then go crazy.

One of my faves pizza to make at home is shrimp and garlic. Yum!

You will find that the gluten free dough is a bit dense and sorta feels dry. It all depends on what it is made from. Some dough is made from potato, rice, quinoa, or tapioca. Also, some are blends of them all.

Experiment as much as you’d like. Have fun and keep an open mind.



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