Don’t psych yourself out of a workout
Working out has to do with your Mental
You have a long day at work, yet you’re ready to get off and hit the gym to work out just to get home and find yourself no longer motivated to leave. Have you ever pumped yourself up so much to get your exercise on that by the time it comes to actually working out you realized your psyched yourself out. Or perhaps, you wake up with a mapped out plan for the day which includes hitting the gym, but by the time your scheduled time to go you scratch that off the calendar and make some excuse about how the weather made your mood change. If you’ve fallen into the trap of bailing out on your workout, try again. We all have times where the day just doesn’t go the way we planned so then it just ruins everything else, but you have to figure out the purpose of why you fit exercise in your schedule in the first place.
1. What is the purpose of your workout? Once you figure out this answer, it’ll be so much easier to put aside all of the excuses and just get it done. Do you have a goal to reach by a certain date, is it apart of your doctors order for health reasons, or does it help you relieve stress. Think about it and when it comes to you it’ll make more sense not to bail out.
2. Is your planned workout realistic? Many times we like to set out these over the top goals (because we’re over achievers) and most of the times they’re not realistic. By the time it comes down to doing the workout you get un-motivated because you set yourself up to do 500 sit-ups knowing you just started the ab work out yesterday. Be realistic about your goals, take baby steps so that when that day comes where you just can’t get right (lazy day) you can still find motivation in working out.
3. Can I do this at home? So you just made up your mind, you’re just not going to the gym. You don’t feel like, you’re not feeling it but you know you have a goal to reach. Ask yourself if you can substitute weights from the gym for canned veggies in your cabinet. It’s a way to still workout without even having to leave your home…get your yoga mat or a towel and do your sit-ups, push-ups, use a chair to do dips and leg lifts…etc. There are so many different ways you can workout straight from the comfort of your own home
4. Just do it! Like the Nike logo and phrase. Don’t get so caught up in your days daily duties that you eliminate your time from working out. Just get it done. No excuses, put on your favorite music, take a look in the mirror, give yourself a pep talk and get to it.
Whether it’s apart of your daily routine or a goal you just created. Never get so caught up that you give up before you even start. Working out is a great way to relieve daily stresses you have to deal with it. It’s a way to maintain your health and live a better lifestyle. Remember to figure out your purpose, put it into action and get it done! Most importantly, always do as much as your body allows, don’t over do it. When you think about it, it’s all mental.