Dealing with grief


When your spouse dies there are so many emotions that one may go through. The problems are usually associated with aging and dealing with grief at an old age. However, in Vanessa Bryant’s case, she is not dealing with an age factor. After famous NBA player, his daughter Gigi and several others fell to their death in a tragic helicopter ride, the world was crushed. It seemed as though the world immediately began pouring their sorrows and condolences to wife Vanessa Bryant.  This wasn’t a case of old-aging death but rather a case of tragedy. Could you even begin to imagine that your child and your spouse are killed in such a tragic way? This is no happily painted picture nor is this the way you would want to ever imagine your loved ones leaving you from this earth. 

After 3 days of silence and fans pouring their hearts out for the nba star and his daughter, Vanessa broke her silence. It wasn’t short and sweet yet lengthy and deep. This woman was gracious enough to share her feelings with the world through her personal tragedy.


In true fashion, carrying on his legacy, it was only right for her to mention the Mamba foundation and  help to raise funds for the other victims involved. In her mourning she will experience doubt, anger, loneliness, and despair. Grief can take over loved ones by depriving you of your sleep, your eating habits, and your ability to focus. No one wants to bury their child, it’s just not right! The ability to go through the steps and process of grieving is often said to feel like an outer body experience. The memories and faint moments will forever leave a bruise in her heart. However taking the positives and shedding light on them will forever help those who are grieving to see through the shadows of death. The building and uplifting of ones spirit such as one like Kobe Bryant will allow family, friends, and fans to continue his earned legacy. It is imperative for those who have lost a loved one to continue to carry the memories and keep the spirit alive, for this is the very reason their is live after death. 



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