Charlie Sheen: Update on Living With HIV
Actor/comedian Charlie Sheen has been living with HIV for about 6 years now since his diagnosis in 2011. He recently made a guest appearence on ABC’s “The View” and was asked how has he been since discovering his health status. Sheen admitted he was a little jet lag, but nonetheless he felt great. He confessed to the ladies of the show that he is on some of the best medication he could be given. Sheen shared the story of when he first was told about his diagnosis he wanted to “eat a bullet,” however something else came over him he, once the doctors handed him a handful of medication they told him to go home and he was going to live. From then on he decided he wasn’t going to let this disease take over his life. Sheen is not the only celebrity living with the disease, there are many others like Majic Johnson who has been living with HIV since 1991. With new research and medicines that have been discovered throughout the years, people who are diagnosis with this disease can continue on with life and not fear death.
According to health research, HIV/AIDS has effected more than 1.2 million Americans. Although this deadly disease is one no one wants to ever have to deal with, there are ways to continue on with life.
- Know your status: This is very important when it comes to your health. If you are sexually active or involved with someone who might have been exposed to the disease then it is your repsonsibilty to go get tested. The best way to live a long healthy life is to know your status
- Communicate: If you have been exposed to the disease then you need to communicate with the person you are involved with or people you were involved with. If you need help, there are different centers that help people who have just been diagnosised and are living with the disease.
- Educate Yourself: The old myth of being able to get HIV/AIDS by touching a person who has it is false. Educate yourself on how the disease can be contracted. Don’t be hateful to people who do have it, NO you cannot get it from skin to skin.
- Be Honest: When you go to your health provider for your check up, be up front with them on actions you have taken. They are the ones who can help in the event you have contracted the disease.
- Live: Don’t stop living your life if you have contracted the disease. This is not the end of the world for you. As we see there are plenty of people who are still living even though they have been exposed to the disease.
Living with HIV/AIDS doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. If you have been exposed to it or know someone who has then its time take responsibilty of your life. Don’t let a disease control the rest of your life, there any many resources today to help people, whether you’re a celebrity or not. For more information about the disease you can visit www.aids.gov.
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