How To Handle Being Pregnant With Twins Like Beyonce’
It’s no secret that the “Lemonade” Singer Beyonce’ is pregnant, but this time the big surprise is that she is carrying twins! The superstar announced her pregnancy via social media when she posted a flowery picture of her exposing her baby belly. Unlike her first pregnancy with Blu Ivy, who is now 5, Beyonce’ seemed to want to shut rumors down about her using a surrogate mother before they even started. As busy and devoted as the multi-talented entertainer is, one could only imagine how the rest of her pregnancy will be like. We know Beyonce’ for always putting on an outstanding performance with lots of movement and entertainment. With her latest performance at the 59th Annual Grammy’s, it was evident that Mrs. Carter is taking no chances this time around, as she performed with very minimal movement. Beyonce’ is just one of many women around the world who are pregnant with twins, yet still have to live out their busy days. We’ve gathered some tips below to help those women handle being pregnant with twins like Beyonce’ while maintaining their lifestyles.
- Put Your Health First: Putting your health first is always important, however when it comes to carrying twins this should be the number one priority. Having a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy workout regime if permitted and always following the doctors order will help move your twice the size pregnancy along in a healthy way.
- Expect Extreme Body Changes: It’s pretty evident when a woman becomes pregnant that her body will change, but when it comes to a pregnancy with twins, things can get a little more intense. Expect more body aches and odd pains. With your body expanding twice the speed of single pregnancy your bones and ligaments are bound to be in pain. It is suggested that if the discomfort becomes too much then you may have to cut back on hours from work and possibly be diagnosed to be on bedrest.
- More Doctor Visits: Since you are carrying double the size, then be prepared to visit your doctor twice as much. You might as well get your schedule adjusted because you will become one big happy family with your doctor and nurses during your pregnancy. Most pregnancies of multiples are considered “high risk” therefore the doctors have to be aware at all times of what’s going on with your pregnancy.
- Be Prepared for an Early delivery: It is reported that the average full term for a woman pregnant with twins is 37 weeks, however you never know when the room in your belly has become too tight and they are ready to come out. Preparation is key when carrying twins, double the work, so it’s always best to be ready when the time comes.
- Stay Positive: Although carrying twins can become very tiresome, physically, mentally and emotionally, it is important to try to remain positive. Because of the potential high risk this type of pregnancy can cause, some babies are automatically placed in the NICU when they are born just a precautionary procedure. Have your support system ready on speed dial in case of any emergencies and always surround yourself with positivity.
Becoming pregnant with twins can be a great experience in a woman’s life. Always remember to listen to your body and the recommendations from your doctor.
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