Are all relationships at work professional?
Just recently there’s been all sorts of rumors swirling about Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper’s “friendly coworker relationship.” People are insisting that they are having sex. They’ve worked with each other before and have both commenting on each others professional work ethic. They’ve continued a great relationship with one another because they have a great respect for each other. Lawrence claims that there is absolutely no sex and that’s how they maintain such a great friendship while on set filming Serena.
For some of us this may be hard to believe and for others it may not be. Why is that? Is there such thing as friendly coworkers? Some men would beg to differ and say that most men are seeking sex from a coworker he is friendly with. But is this always true? After all, most coworkers do bring their passion, feelings, and personal issues to work.
The Stats
Over 54% of people have admitted to messing around with a coworker. Most affairs now occur between coworkers, because those people who are still single are spending more and more time at work. With just over 95% of those surveyed confirming that they have not quit a job to pursue a sexual relationship with a co-worker combined with the fact that more than half of them have indeed had sex with a co-worker. So are all relationships at work professional?
Men and women who work closely together under stressful conditions can quickly become attracted to each other. They often share interests and think nothing of spending time over coffee or lunch getting to know one another. Nevertheless, lunch between married friends or single friends, no matter what their intentions, can have unanticipated and dangerous consequences. These sort of actions will make you want to think again. How close should you be with a coworker. Is it ok to go out for drinks or lunch? If you both are not talking about work then a boundary has most likely already been crossed. If it is professional, then you may want to keep it that way.