Add some fiber to your plate
Hey everyone! Welcome back to another Monday and fresh start to a whole new week. Quick question right out of the gates. Do you want to or need to keep feeling full longer into your morning. I do have the best solution and its so easy to put together. The following items can be consumed individually, but who has time to chomp on one of these ingredients at one time. It is certainly better to put them altogether and it’s tastier too. So I know you are asking what could it be and why does it work so well. Hey now, a little history goes a long way. When our bodies wake up in the morning, we are in need of breaking the fast and so whatever is eaten will be metabolized in a blink of an eye. So hence why a balanced meal is the way to go. I know there are still a handful of you that are still asking,”but why do we need it and how come a balanced meal works and does a body good?” The answer is quite simple and you don’t need to look very far. Try eating just a bowl of your most favorite cereal growing up as a kid. You will need to eat again before your last bite is over. Why? Its likely that not only the sugar content will spike your levels, but the amount of fiber isn’t a whole lot. Lets dig deeper as its about that time that we all do.
Fiber can help lower cholesterol, keep your blood sugar stable, and help lose weight.
Most foods contain some type of fiber called soluble and insoluble, including fruits and vegetables. Although not all contain both, and some contain more than the other.
How can you tell which is which and which one do you want? That answer is both, and our tasty plate of the day will prove it. Add some fiber to your plate and you will see.
Here’s why and where to find them:
Oatmeal, nuts, blueberries, beans, and apples
The benefits include: Heart protection, Diabetes protection, weight loss, and to keep a good digestive system. As for insoluble, these can be found in seeds and the skin of a piece of fruit, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. Thanks for your patience and without further waitin, our tasty pocketbook saving meal is, you’ve probably guessed it, oatmeal! Ok, c’mon, you should know me by now and know that my oatmeal isn’t what grandma used to make.
“The ManCave oatmeal” consists of these amazing super foods:
Organic toasted oats (oatmeal)
Almond milk. We like to use Calfia farms PURE Almond milk (Unsweetened) You don’t need the added sugar. Remember no sugar spikes.
Frozen or freshed Mixed berries includes: blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry
Chia seeds
Ground flax seed
Organic Hemp seeds
Easiest way to cook this fascinating meal is to microwave the oatmeal and frozen berries with Almond milk. Then add the chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds and honey afterwards.
There you have it. This ManCave oatmeal will keep you full until late morning. Just an additional note to the meal, the heart factor is off the charts as it is filled with folic acid, b12, and many more nutrients to stimulate the mind and keep you focused.
As always, let us know how your meal turned out for you and how you felt. Also, did you put your own spin to the recipe. Tell us. Let’s work together for a better us.
ManCave Mondays