Wine down like Snooki


I don’t know about some women, but what I do know for a fact is, I love me a nice wine (red wine if we want to be specific). There is just something about wine that gives a calming sensation. I can only imagine how new mothers feel when taking their first sip after childbirth. However, some may say it should be against the rules due to the fact that it is an alcoholic beverage.

`​Reality TV star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, 31, took a ton of heat for enjoying a glass if wine while bottle-feeding her baby on her Instagram post Saturday. Many people commented to cheer on the star for enjoying herself, but some implied that her drinking wine made her a bad mother. One user wrote, “ You’re not suppose to drink alcohol if you breastfeed your baby.” This caused a swarm of Snooki fans to come to her defense, including Snookiherself: “You’re not a mom. I allow myself to have a few glasses once a week to stay sane with 3 kids. I do what’s necessary to clean my milk for my baby. Let a mama live and keep being 17,” she replied.

​According to the CDC, yes, it is true that the best option is to not drink alcohol. However, one drink per day is not known to be harmful to the baby. To all of the moms out there, remember that certain experiences earn you an invisible parenting gold star. I mean think about it. You change diapers in restaurants with crappy lighting in the changing stall, you lose sleep, heck, and some days your own sanity. It’s important to take a break, breathe, relax, and “wine” down. Don’t forget to make time for you and wine down like Snooki.




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