Focus on Financial Independence


Where is your Focus?

As you run through your life everyday there are a lot of little things that comprise the majority of your day. For example: getting lunch, taking in the dry cleaning, going to the grocery store and taking care of the kids. Not to mention if you are an avid watcher of TV shows you are gonna make time for that as well.

Many of you might have shaken your head or nodded in agreement from this short list. This list is typically what comprises most of your day besides work. Now here is the thing…is this scattered pattern of little things a good use of your time? The reality is it may not be a good use of your time.

Why? Based on the normal every day hustle of your lives this is exactly what you become; a small errand runner. Your life gets consumed with the every day small things and sometimes the big things like Financial Freedom get put on the back burner. A lot of you may not even notice this is happening. It is kind of like when it’s raining really hard while you are driving. When it’s raining lightly you can still see very well even without your wipers on but, if it’s raining hard eventually all those little rain drops diminishes your visibility quite a bit and sometimes to the point where you have to slow down or stop.

This example is exactly how life works, you have to keep going and focusing on those big goals and not get overwhelmed by all the small everyday tasks that come up because they can distract you. The distraction that can cause you to lose focus and stop moving towards your goals. Now, keep in mind if it’s raining so hard that you have to stop don’t reference this article and say it was my fault you didn’t stop because I said you have to keep going if you get into an accident…lol!!!

So focus is the Key and here are some tips to focus on Financial Independence:

  • Develop good habits

Make it a habit to put away money for yourself. Start small with 10 to 20 dollars a week and stick to it and make it a habit you always do no matter what. You will be surprised how much you will save.

  • Time Management

The reason why you are getting killed on those small things is because your time management needs to be improved upon. Many of you are running around taking care of one million small emergencies. Life doesn’t work like that. Manage the every day emergencies and stay focused on your main goals.

  • Dream again

Whether you want to buy a yacht, a $250 thousand dollar sports car or a million dollar mansion don’t let the stresses of everyday life wear your dreams thin to the point where you feel like you cannot achieve them anymore. Keep focused and find the energy to make steps every day towards those big dreams. Again, you may be surprised what you end up achieving.

To get information on Smart money planning, TIPS on money, Creating a budget, Saving, improving your Credit Score and ways to find out how you can get rid of your debt quickly, make additional income and get Financial Information and contact a Financial Coach leave a comment and we will be happy to help you.

Happy Friday!!

See you next week



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