Become a Doer
How to become a Doer?
You all know the really basis of everyday life right? You have to wake up, get cleaned up and start your day right? Right. If you replace that do it mentality with “Try”, do you think that you would get as much as you do? Probably not because trying to get out of bed when the alarm goes off could take a couple of hours as opposed to just doing it…lol
So let’s look at some mental tricks to get you into the “Doer” mentality. On a daily basis you and co-workers and those in your environment use phrases like: I’ll Try, Maybe, I plan to do that, I will get to it, I will take care of it in the future or the classic When it comes up ill handle it, just to name a few.
What you may have not have realized is that these words and phrases are considered weak language and they promote lack of confidence and drive to get things done. If your boss asked you if you were going to land the account they tasked you with and you replied, “Well maybe I will, I’m Trying to get the account”, your boss probably wouldn’t be too thrilled about your reply.
Similarly, if you were thinking about starting a plan for saving and retirement but you said “I will take care of it when the issue arises, you will probably be looking at a very big issue when it comes around again because your weak language caused you to procrastinate and ignore implementing your plan when you should have. Plans like this should be taken care of immediately. So here are a few tips to make sure that weak language and a procrastinator’s mentality don’t hold you back from achieving your future goals.
1. When an issue or something important comes up or presents itself to you see it through to the end right away. There’s no sense in ignoring important things because if ignored long enough they become bigger problems.
2. Change your language. Get in the habit of using phrases like: I will do it, I will take care of that immediately, I will finish it or I will address that right away.
3. Read and gain new knowledge. Read self -help books on motivational habits, staying positive and developing a do it now mentality. Replacing the thoughts in your mind with more positive thoughts makes tasks once considered hard easy because you have no doubt or anticipation about getting what needs to be done completed.
4. Create a positive environment. If people around you are not positive you can help them by recommending books and these tips on developing a can do attitude. Also surrounding your- self with positive people will help a lot.
These very simple tips will make a very big difference on how you think. They will also allow you to get more done at work and in your life.
For more TIPS and ways to find out how you can get financial information for your family right away leave a comment and we will be happy to help you.
Happy Friday!!
See you next week