The easiest way to juice for Moms


If I come across one more article/documentary/podcast on juicing’s ability to harness the miracle powers of fruits and vegetables I swear to God, I’m going to . . . Juice. Yes, me, a long time skeptic of removing the pulp (because aren’t fruits and vegetables supposed to be eaten whole and with the pulp?!) is now a religious fan of juicing.
I’ve been a daily power juicer for two years now and as a mom who’s trying to look close to a forty-year-old JLo, juicing’s greatest staying power has been its ability to give my workouts some oomph, my skin some youthful radiance and—I swear its true—wipe a few years off my mommy-face (you know, the one that looks tired all. The. Time.) Juicing has become an easy-peasy daily ritual with very satisfying outcomes.
But energy and vanity are not so convincing selling points when it comes to trying to get your kids to drink their fruits and vegetables.
I discovered Blueprint Juice. These guys have really got healthful and flavorful down pat. They have figured out how to cold-press (for maximum retention of nutrient integrity—in my opinion THE ONLY real way to juice) fruits and vegetables into perfectly refreshing and tasty ratios of juice.

The Result

#1.Pleasantly satisfying concoctions like kale-apple-ginger-romaine-spinach-cucumber-parsley-lemon.
#2. The zing of the ginger and lemon almost fooled me into thinking I was sipping on the latest Snapple.
#3. Each bottle of Blueprint cleanse ranges between 6-10 dollars a pop, which isn’t so bad considering you’d be juicing about the same amount of money in juicing produce at home and they have taken all of the elbow grease (and flavor finicking) out for you. And while I love my high-end cold-press juicer, let’s be real. Time is money.



So it’s even lovelier to be able to drink cold-pressed juice and still have enough time to put an extra braid in my daughter’s hair instead of slicing up cantaloupe and broccoli. It’s the easiest way to juice for moms.
So what were the kids’ opinions? The bottled stuff was much tastier than mommy’s, “let’s-see-what-I-can throw-in-the-juicer-today recipes.” BluePrint Juice:1 Mommy:0. Whatever. I’ll take it. And that’s how you take care of your heart, health, and pocketbook!

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