Work it out or let it go
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to question whether it was worth working it out or actually being done with it and letting it go? Believe it or not being in a relationship that you feel is not worth the fight can cause a lot of health issues that you probably would have never imagined. However, if you are willing to work it out then you can relieve those potential health issues from occurring. What health issues am I referring to? Excruciating headaches, weight loss/ weight gain, extreme stress, excessive drinking (alcohol), and new found bad eating habits are just some ways that can be detrimental to your health as a result of questioning your relationship or “situationships.” I have some solutions for you when you are feeling indecisive about what to do.
First, lets talk about communication. Communication can relieve a lot of the confusion when it comes to making that decision of working it out or letting it go. Many people think that communication is just talking, however there are many forms or communication. For example, there is writing a letter, emailing, texting (not highly recommended due to misconstrued messages) and if you are comfortable enough to talk it out then talk it out. As long as both parties have a mutual understanding of what’s going on then there shouldn’t be any problem when it comes to making a decision. This will alleviate any health issues that can possibly arise.
Secondly, involve a professional mediator. It’s ok to get a second opinion, not from your bestie or family member (no offense) because sometimes those that are closest to us can give a bias opinion that will not help the situation, in fact it may add more stress to your life. So get someone involved like a counselor or relationship therapist to give you and your partner unbiased options on how to get through the situation or bring light that it may be time to let it go. Getting someone else involved can also alleviate stress that may be put on you when you can’t make up your mind on what to do.
Lastly, one of my favorites is working it out, literally. Go to the gym, park, your neighborhood and just work it out and let it go. It is a known fact that working out not only helps with your physique but also your mental and spiritual self. Having a clear mind and feeling good about yourself helps when it comes to making decisions. You don’t have to second guess or feel bad about letting go if that’s what it has to come down to. Working out also helps to eliminate those late night snacks or thoughts of girls night out for drinks. Excessive drinking and snacking is very unhealthy and can cause other health issues down the road like high blood pressure or diabetes.
Whether you’re talking it out, walking it out or letting it go, make sure you do what’s best for you. There is nothing worse than continuing on with something that is not healthy for you. Being in a relationship that you’re not quite sure about can be detrimental to you and the person you’re with. Hopefully these methods will help you when it comes to decision time.
The Kimmy Nicole